One of our goals as a company is to create a more educated base of internet users. By learning about the services you use, how they work, and what the terms mean, you enable yourself to make smarter decisions about purchasing and managing internet services. If someone else does this for you, you can learn how to avoid getting ripped off by knowing the pitfalls and bad habits that can cause you trouble. Last but not least, when you need help with a problem from a help desk technician you can get it faster because you will be better able to describe your problem, which reduces resolution time and wasted communication.
The articles on this site are inspired by our experiences in customer service helping clients to get what they need, and they are written in general terms to apply to any service provider you may come in contact with, not just us. If you find information that is inaccurate or would like to contribute to this knowledge base, please feel free to contact us.